Quelex™ 200 WG

  • Herbicide

QuelexTM 200 WG (Reg. No. L10759) is a mixture of Arylex® (halauxifen-methyl), a systemic auxin-type herbicide (Group O) and Florasulam, an ALS (AcetoLactate Synthase) enzyme inhibitor-type herbicide (Group B). The product controls weed by disrupting normal plant growth patterns and/or by inhibiting production of the enzyme essential for production of certain amino acids needed for normal plant growth.


  • Control of key broadleaf weeds.
  • Applied early post-emergence, to the main flush of actively growing broadleaf weeds.
  • Quelex™ 200 WG inhibits growth of susceptible weeds. Visible symptoms of dying weeds will therefore occur within 2-4 weeks under ideal growing conditions and up to 6-8 weeks under adverse conditions (prolonged periods of extremes in temperature or moisture).

