Strongarm® 840 WG

  • Herbicide

Strongarm® 840 WG (Reg. No. L8663) is a water dispersible granule herbicide for use only in tank mixtures for pre-emergence control of annual grasses, broadleaf weeds and under certain conditions and also yellow nutsedge in crops as indicated on the label. 


  • Very effective and selective pre-emergence herbicide for use in groundnuts and soybeans.
  • Controls a variety of grass and broadleaf weeds.
  • Good tool to control problematic weeds such as dubbeltjie in groundnuts and morning glory in soybeans amongst other weeds.
  • Can be soil-applied (surface, pre-plant, or pre-emergence) to meet the needs of the no-till, minimum-till, and conventional tillage farmer. Highly effective with long residual action.
  • Suitable for crop rotation practices. Low usage rates.
  • No herbicide residue at harvest.
  • Can be tank mixed with other herbicides recommended on the label.


